Why sex workers need support
Sex work or prostitution did exist in older societies and many researchers consider this business as one of the oldest. Despite thousands of years to deal with it, prostitution and escort girls in Tel Aviv are still being seen as a threat to the society, not just in developing countries but also in developed countries. People just don’t consider sex work as normal work and they think of sex workers as inferiors. Many people say that it should be criminalized and the sex workers or prostitutes or the escort girls should be locked away or should be punished with imprisonment. Supporting sex workers mean that you should be in full support of decriminalization of prostitution or sex work. Many people think that it is a form of sexual exploitation but people also need to understand that sex work in consensual and is done between two adults where the consent of both the parties are involved. People also need to understand that if someone decides to earn through web cam modeling, stripping, prostitution, sex work or work in a brothel, they should be completely free to do this according to their own choice and it all should be legal.
This is not the case that all people are against the prostitution or sex workers, instead there are a lot of people who are actually in support of sex workers and who actually demands justice for them. In fact, there have been so many movements in the favour of prostitutes and about the decriminalization of prostitution. You cannot see the business of prostitution in black and white, there is a lot f gray area and there are a lot of things that one needs to understand before making a comment about prostitutes, sex workers, escort girls or about their work.