Prostitution and Covid-19!
No physical contact, observe social distancing and stay at home. Restrictions like these meant one thing for sex workers or escort girls around the world. No income while many escort girls or sex workers were already in a difficult situation financially. Prostitution is illegal in some countries and in countries where it’s not illegal, sex workers face prejudices, exploitation and racism. The covid-19 pandemic make this difficult situation even worse for them. This deadly virus left the sex workers with two options, either choose to get exposed to the deadly virus or to face hunger and debt.
The escort girls’ work is to get physically and sexually involved with the male clients which was not possible during the pandemic but the underdeveloped countries where people were dying of not just covid-19 but also of hunger, it was impossible for prostitutes to close their business. Every kind of business, all around the world was closed, but in some countries where prostitution is illegal and the sex was being offered behind closed doors, this business didn’t close. The escort girls in Tel Aviv there, come from poor families who needed to get going with their work despite the deadly virus. Many researches showed that a number of sex workers died of covid while working as prostitutes. Moreover, there was a discrimination at the time of vaccination. Because their work is not considered as normal work and they are not considered as normal human beings, it was very difficult for them to get vaccinated. Like so many other businesses, many brothels who got closed during the pandemic, were caught by heavy debts, which cause a number of escort girls to leave this field and find some other work but because of low or no qualifications, there was no way for them to go, especially in poor countries which got badly affected by the pandemic.