7 Things You Should Know About Sexual Intercourse


Sexual intercourse is a form of physical intimacy that can be shared between two or more people. It’s an incredibly intimate and rewarding experience, but it also comes with certain responsibilities. Whether you’re in a relationship, casually dating, or single, there are certain things you should consider when it comes to sexual intercourse. Here are the 7 things you should know about it:

1. Consent Is Key

Consent is the most important factor when it comes to sexual intercourse. It should be enthusiastic, affirmative, ongoing, and reversible. You should always make sure that you are communicating consent with your partner and that it’s freely given before engaging in any form of sexual activity.

2. Communicate

Communication is vital in any sexual experience. Talk with your partner about what each of you wants and needs from the experience. You should also communicate about what kinds of activities you’re both comfortable doing and what kinds of activities you don’t want to do.

3. Protection

Protection is another important factor when it comes to sexual intercourse. Latex condoms can help protect both partners from potential STD transmission, as well as unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, barrier methods like dental dams can help protect against STDs that can be transmitted through oral sex.

4. Know Your Body

Be mindful of your body and its reactions to different sexual activities. A significant part of sexual pleasure comes from knowing what feels good for you and communicating that with your partner.
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5. Negotiations

Sexual intercourse should be an activity that is enjoyed by both parties. Be willing to negotiate various activities so that both partners are comfortable.

6. After Care

Aftercare is an important consideration following sexual intercourse. Aftercare is the process of taking care of yourself and your partner after a sexual encounter. It could include talking about the experience, cuddling, expressing gratitude for each other, or anything else that helps you both feel connected afterward.

7. Intimacy

Intimacy can mean different things for different people. The experience of sexual intercourse is enhanced by being emotionally and physically connected to your partner. Take the time to appreciate the moment and savor the intimacy of the experience.

Sexual intercourse is a very intimate and rewarding experience, but as with any sexual activity, it comes with certain responsibilities. Make sure that you are respecting yourself and your partner by communicating consent and discussing what kinds of activities you both feel comfortable doing. Additionally, make sure that you know your body and practice safe sex. If both partners are comfortable and willing, the experience of sexual intercourse can be incredibly rewarding.

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